Ear Infections are common especially in children (due to a narrow ear canal and short eustachian tube), but can occur in adults too at any age. The ear has three sections – The outer, middle, and inner ear ...
Understanding Aphasia Aphasia is a language disorder that affects a person’s ability to communicate effectively. It is caused by damage to the brain’s language centers, which can occur suddenly after a stroke or head injury, or develop slowly ...
Gynecological Infections refer to infections of the lower genital tract (vulva and vagina), or the upper organs cervix, uterus, tubes, and ovaries. The lower and upper genital organs in women are located in the pelvis which is the ...
URINARY SYSTEM The kidney is a bean-shaped organ on either side of the abdomen. They help in filtering and excreting wastes from our body out in the form of urine. There are tubes called ureters that arise from ...
Glomerulonephritis Glomerulonephritis is the inflammation of the glomerulus which is the network of capillaries inside the cup (Bowman’s capsule) of the kidney cells called nephrons. The glomerulus is responsible for filtering wastes from the blood, to form urine. ...
Tubulointerstitial Nephritis Tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN) is the inflammation of the tubules of the nephrons (kidney cells) and the connective tissue (interstitium) in between them. This affects the functioning of the kidneys, as it is in the tubules that ...