Substance addiction needs a holistic approach for rehabilitation and recovery. Yoga usually combines exercises, breathing, and meditation, which helps significantly improve mental and physical health. Over the past years, many people have included it in their workout plans ...
When weight loss occurs without any conscious changes made in lifestyle, physical activity, or diet, it is termed unintentional weight loss. A certain amount of fluctuation in weight is natural. However weight lost unintentionally is concerning or significant ...
Detoxification (detox) and rehabilitation (rehab) programs are designed to help individuals overcome substance abuse disorders. Several types of such programs are available, each offering a unique approach to addiction treatment. Here are some of the most common types ...
What is Mesothelioma? Malignant mesothelioma is a rare cancer that develops in the mesothelium, the protective linings that cover various organs. This type of cancer most commonly affects the lining of the lungs (pleura) or abdomen (peritoneum). In ...
Hyperkinetic Movement Disorder (HMD), also called Dyskinesia, refer to types of excessive, abnormal and involuntary movements. These movements can prevent maintaining a stable posture, and sometimes cause significant disability and impairment in daily activities. TYPES Chorea-Athetosis Chorea (means ...
Understanding Japanese Encephalitis WHERE IS IT PREVALENT Japanese Encephalitis (JE) usually occurs in selective geographical areas (endemic disease) mainly in the Indian subcontinent, China, Korea, Japan and Southeast Asia. In India, the people of Assam and Eastern UP ...