CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) is a first-aid procedure used to revive an unresponsive person who is not breathing (or is just gasping occasionally). CPR is given for a cardiac arrest when a person stops breathing. This can happen in ...
There is no path to happiness: happiness is the path- Buddha Thinking of happiness, as a result, is not wrong, but happiness is also a key driver. Happiness is a state of mind, more specifically; it is a ...
Acne skin care is very important in people with a tendency to gets pimples/zits. Acne results from the blockage of the pores of the skin due to excess oils-fats (sebum) and skin debris and the protein (keratin). These ...
Breathlessness is a feeling of being short of breath, wanting more air, or an inability to breathe comfortably or freely. Breathlessness is a symptom experienced intermittently or in advanced cases constantly, over many months or years, by people ...
The main 5 factors which determine and affect Immunity are Diet, Lifestyle, Sleep, Physical Activity, and Hygiene-Protection Diet Eat a nutritious diet containing good amounts of Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, Protein, Vitamins (A, B group, C, D, E), and ...
Gas and bloating are common digestive complaints, that produce abdominal discomfort and pain. Gas comes from either swallowed air or by the breakdown of foods by gut bacteria (like Clostridium and Bacteroides). Here are 3 points of care ...