Acidity problems are very common, and most of the time can be tackled with simple diet and lifestyle measures.
- Modify diet as above if you have acidity problems frequently. It helps to maintain a food diary.
- Main meals should be taken at regular time with a small snack every 2-3 hours (one between breakfast and lunch, and one between lunch and dinner – mid-evening). Keep a gap of a minimum of 2 hours between lying down/bedtime and dinner.
- Avoid skipping meals, unduly delaying meals, or having hurried meals. Chew thoroughly and enjoy your food. Avoid gulping down food with water.
- Include half-hour of exercise (5 days/week) in your lifestyle – swimming, brisk walking, cycling, jogging, yoga, or aerobics. If sitting for prolonged periods of time, take a short walk, and do some stretching every 2 hours. Also include 15 minutes of any 2 relaxation techniques in daily routine like deep breathing exercises, reading, music (listening, singing, playing), dancing, gardening, any sport, craft-work, or painting.
- Take antacid medicines only under doctor’s prescription and supervision only for the prescribed duration, in the recommended dose and in the advised timing in relation to meals. (Some class of medicines for Acidity, Acid reflux and Peptic Ulcers may be associated with health concerns on long-term use.) Other supportive medicines include probiotics, digestive enzyme supplements and prokinetics.
Read in detail on –
Acidity, Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Dyspepsia (Indigestion) and Ulcers