Health and well-being are seldom achieved by medicines (drugs). These can best help to some limited extent when health has been damaged, wellbeing lost, and disease has struck. Even so, drugs have side effects and can dampen many natural responses of our body.
Here are 10 natural medicines for health and well-being. These not only help prevent and reduce ill-health and disease, but also reduce the severity of a disease and its long-term impact, and improve response to treatment and recovery in various health conditions.
It is never too late to start walking on the road of health and well-being…..
- Eat more natural food rich in vegetables and fruits, along with curd.
- Try to have more whole cereals and fiber.
- Reduce processed, synthetic, and packaged foods, as well as high sugar foods, and aerated drinks.
- Give adequate time to your meals, chew well, focus on the food and enjoy your meals mindfully.
- Avoid overeating, stuffing yourself, or binge eating due to stress.
- Drink plenty of water – at least 12 glasses/day (a glass every hour of being awake).
- Start with a glass of warm water first thing in the morning on empty stomach.
- Always keep yourself well hydrated.
- Pass urine regularly, and do not form a habit of holding.
- Other healthy drinks include coconut water, buttermilk, and fresh vegetable and fruit juices without adding sugar.
- Don’t let city life burn you out or swallow you. Take breaks with nature within and outside your city.
- Spend some tech free time every day in open-air green spaces with fresh air, like a garden or terrace.
- Open your windows every day and ventilate your homes.
- Spend some time in sunlight daily. Around 10-20 minutes of midday sun at least 3-4 times per week is recommended.
- Every few months take a few days of a rejuvenating nature break.
- Enjoy the sounds of nature like flowing water, wind blowing, swaying trees, birds chirping, etc.
- Both quantity and quality of sleep are important.
- At least 7-8 hours of sound sleep every night is required for well-being.
- Consistent and regular sleep and wake-up timings help to maintain rhythm.
- Make sure your place of sleep (bed, mattress, pillows, room, surroundings, etc.) is comfortable.
Physical Exercise
- Every day set aside half-hour at least for some form of physical exercise. This may be a brisk walk, cycling, swimming, yoga, aerobics, dancing, or a sport.
- Do not engage in strenuous exercise without guidance or a trainer.
- Proper warm-ups and cool-downs are important. Gradually increase exercise intensity and duration, over the course of a few days or weeks.
- Exercise till you feel active and refreshed, not till you feel fatigued, breathless or sore.
- Your breath can decide your physical, mental, and emotional quotient. Understand and make friends with your breath.
- Set aside 10 minutes daily to just spend time with your breathing, doing or thinking nothing else.
- Start by spending 5 minutes just observing your breath, and just feeling the air going in and out in its natural rhythm. Then spend 5 minutes doing some simple breathing exercises like pranayama, pursed lip and abdominal breathing.
- Mindful breath awareness or meditation is also highly recommended.
Happiness and Sharing
- Laughter, love, and sharing bring happiness and joy to the mind.
- There is no path to happiness….. happiness is the path…. to health and a fulfilled life.
- Spend some time with your family regularly, and positive people who love, share and laugh.
- Have at least one meaningful relationship with someone who lets you be and loves you for who you are.
- Do not prioritize, get obsessed with, or be unduly disturbed by social media or the artificial virtual world.
Attitude and Purpose
- Inculcate 3 important aspects in your attitude: gratitude, acceptance, and hope. This makes you a positive person, and exude positivity to others.
- Have a purpose in life, however small but meaningful, that gives you the reason to start the day, and the strength to make it to the next day.
Art forms and Hobbies
- Art forms evolved in our culture as a great source of joy, transcending boundaries, peace, and exploring the depths of our minds. These can contribute positively to health and well-being.
- Develop an interest in an art form. It can be music, dance, theater, reading, writing, poetry, painting-drawing, pottery, crafts, or anything that absorbs you. Even cooking, gardening, and decorating, are art forms. These can take you away from day-to-day stress, refresh you, and give you peace and bliss.
- Art forms can be enjoyed as one’s own hobbies, or even of others like listening to music, watching a dance performance or theater, visiting handicrafts, paintings, or sculptures exhibitions, and reading good works.
- As they say, Cleanliness is Godliness!… and de-clutter to de-stress!
- Maintain clean surroundings in your home, as well as in the community.
- A good bath daily and cleaning oneself contribute to both physical and mental health.
- Avoid littering or throwing garbage, and spitting in public places. Wait for and use a dust-bin and other public conveniences.
- Avoid smoking and tobacco products altogether.
- Make sure your vehicles undergo regular pollution control.
Also read:
Not getting enough sleep can be detrimental to health: Tackling Insomnia
Ways to be Happy – 15 Useful Happiness Tips to incorporate in Daily Life